Real-time exam reporting

Full visibility at every step

Whether you are conducting large-volume, simultaneous exams across multiple venues or providing assessments for individual candidates, we offer exam delivery with full transparency over every step of the process.

  • A global view of your exams in progress

    Get up-to-the minute business intelligence and valuable data on the status of your exams.
  • Check pre-exam readiness

    You will enjoy visibility over your exam venues and all exam systems to give you the confidence that everything is ready for your assessments.
  • Data and strategic insights

    Data reporting provides strategic insights to help you make decisions, improve efficiencies and identify opportunities for growth.

Our transparent approach to exam delivery includes a live dashboard and reporting app that shows the status of all your exams across our global network – no matter the delivery method.

You will be able to see every single step in real time whether your assessments are taking place online or in an exam centre.

Benefits of real-team reporting

Meeting our clients' needs is essential to our delivery service. Our real-time reporting means that we can:

  • continuously improve and evolve the candidate experience
  • provide you with the confidence that every service is being accurately delivered
  • allow for accurate trend analysis to optimise processes.

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